Getting Ready For Homeschooling - How To Do It Right

By Patty Rich

As parents become more aware of the benefits of home schooling, this alternative to traditional schooling is gaining popularity. You have control over how and what your children learn, you can keep track of their actual progress on a day to day basis, and you can make sure your values and traditions are instilled in your children. Before you can be sure that home schooling is the right choice for your family, you need to think about many things. The focus of this report is to give you some points to consider.

Many parents and children find that home schooling is more demanding than they expected, which is why it's good to get a preview of it before committing to it. One way to help prepare yourself, and your kids is to test it out beforehand, during the summer. Children may not be thrilled at having to study over the summer, so you may not want to make it a full time schedule, but even a couple of days per week will give you a taste of what home schooling is like. This may convince you that this is the path you want to take, or it may give you second thoughts. The real value of this is that it gives you practical experience with home schooling so you can know how you really feel about it.

In traditional schools, the teachers have to follow a set teaching outline and don't always get a chance to be more flexible in their methods. Creativity is sometimes frowned upon. You, however, have complete control over how creative and/or flexible you want to be with your kids. Of course, you won't be overwhelmed with a full classroom with too many kids but will, instead, only have to concern yourself with your own child or children. Since you will only have your child, or children, to consider, you can be more inventive with your subject matter, go on field trips on a whim, and set up your own system for teaching. You can take field trips to the standard cultural destinations such as museums and libraries, or you can visit local cultural events to make history come alive. Kids love field trips and this keeps their interest alive. Sometimes children don't retain information as easily when they simply read about it in a book. However, if you take them somewhere where they can witness what they read about in person - such as a farm to see where milk really comes from - they will remember it much longer. If your child shows promise, or a strong interest, in a particular area, you can make sure they receive more information on that subject.

One important skill you will need to develop in order to be a successful home schooler is time management. When you and your kids gather for the beginning of your schooling on Monday morning, it may appear that time is not a constraint. However, by Friday afternoon it may become clear that you were not able to complete all the tasks set out for that week. For one thing, you probably have other responsibilities and you'll find that teaching is a full time occupation. What's the solution? Set a time schedule just like a regular school, and stick to it as closely as you can. Try to factor in anything that will need done and, as you think of other things, keep a list handy so they can be "scheduled" as well. The schedule for the beginning end of class each day is very important for everyone to be aware of. This gets everyone in place, ready to begin, by a certain time, even if they only have to travel from their bedroom to the kitchen table.

Anyone that decides to homeschool needs to be aware of the factors that we have presented in this article - knowing them will help you succeed. You will discover, as you teach your children at home, that homeschooling is beneficial but requires constant modifications. Home schooling gives you the opportunity to learn as well as teach, and both you and your kids can gain many valuable benefits from this process.

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