Photography Tips - Best Compact Digital Cameras

By Dan Feildman

The technology behind today's digital camera is all about the concept of small. The use of technology has caused our world to speed up and in this fast pace people want their gadgets to be accessible. Digital cameras are not the exception to the rule. This desire for accessibility is the major factor behind the birth of a compact edition of digital cameras.

The digital technology is the most revolutionary discovery in the field of photography. It has attracted the world by producing high quality images in limited cost. The compact digital cameras are comparatively smaller in size and have added many special features to their name. They are, no doubt, one step ahead the digital SLR cameras or any other camera models.

The standard proportions of compact digital cameras can roughly be 3.5 W x 2.5 H x 1.0 D. These dimensions can vary a little here and there, depending upon the type, the model and the brand of your compact digital camera. One interesting thing that you must know about the compact digital cameras is that an ideal compact digital camera has to have the certified label of Jeans-pocket. A compact camera with this trademark is so compact that you can keep it in the pocket of your jeans, comfortably. It is a newer striking criterion added to the compact digital cams by fast generation of today.

The goal behind compact digital cameras is to make photography simple and easy with no cumbersome cameras.

Compact digital cameras offer many other features apart from their small stature. Most compact digital cameras offer multiple scenes, optical zooms, exposure modes and other handy functions. One important thing to keep in mind is that some compact digital cameras have 11 mm or less diagonal sensors which make fairly low noise at ISO 100. Unfortunately at ISO 400 and above the noise of the camera can be quite obvious. Although they are small and fun to look at I recommend any potential buyer take a close look at the features and quality prior to making a purchase.

The range of $200 to $500 includes the most popular selections of the compact and ultra-compact digital cameras. All the brands of compact digital cams offer a vast array of exciting functions and features. The sensor resolutions vary from 3.0 to 8.0 mega pixels and even more. The ultra-compact models can have the size so small like a credit card. They are just less than an inch thick and are equipped with advanced features and high-resolution sensors. the advanced controls include common features like, multiple AF zones, manual settings and sophisticated scene modes.

Obviously there are some drawbacks to compact digital cameras as well as benefits. The ISO range of most compact digital camera varies between ISO 50 and 400. On the other hand SLR cameras have ISO values in the range of 100 to1600. As you can see compact digital cameras are less sensitive than digital SLR cameras.

While the realm of digital SLR's has remained unchanged over the past few years there have been vast improvements in the field of compact digital cameras. If you are looking to purchase a compact digital camera your best bet is to figure out your needs after looking at the pros and cons for each type of camera.

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