History Of The Song Lift Every Voice And Sing

By Lily James

The famous composition "lift every voice and sing", also called because the black national anthem of Africa and America is an ode to liberation of African and Americans. This song dates back to the period of the Civil War in the event that President Abraham Lincoln was moving America and emancipated the black slaves working there. In a nutshell, the song revolves around the theme of liberty, restoration, rights and hope, as seen from the point of view of the African-American immigrants and citizens.

The union of the black and the white dates back to 1960s and was recognized to the world as the Civil Rights Movement. Following the movement, "Lift Ev'ry Voice & Sing" spread out to the world, looking to spread the message of hope, liberation and unity among the natives of numerous colors. As of now, many copies of lift every voice and sing audio were created available in the form of audio cassettes, CDs, DVDs, online videos and mp3 format versions. Following the Civil Movement, the song has been stated the anthem of A&M College (Louisiana) and Southern University in the usa.

For downloading the song, simply type "lift every voice and sing black national anthem" on the search tabs of your browser, go to a free mp3 download website and save the song on your systems.


James Weldon Johnson was the infamous composer of the song. He was a scholar from Clark-Atlanta University who was working as the principal in one of the major public schools in the city of Jacksonville, Florida. He wrote down lift every voice and sing lyrics for the introduction speech of the guest orator-Booker T. Washington, in the ceremony that was being organized to mark President Lincoln's birthday. Eventually, the composition was performed by a segregated group of about 500 child artists and students belonging to the Edwin M. Stanton School, later referred to as Stanton College Preparatory School. Five years after the composition of this song, the author's brother John Rosamond Johnson, who is another composer, gave music to the writing and converted it into a song that was later referred to as official black national anthem. You can download the original along with the official edition of the black national anthem audio from various online websites.

Author Profile:

James Johnson, the author of the song was born 6 years after the end of the Civil War, during 1971. His father was employed as the head waiter in a upscale hotels of Jacksonville whereas his mother was a learned public school teachers who stressed upon moral education and the value of formal education. His brother was a music composer.

Modification Of The Song:

Around 1919, the song lift every voice and sing was formally announced as the National Negro Anthem by the secular NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). This secular group was formed under the supervision of W.E.B. Dubois (professor in the Harvard), in 1909. The mentioned person was in favor of following a broad agenda for resolving the disenfranchisement of the blacks in the usa. Unlike this, both Booker T. Washington and J. W. Johnson had a different and more streamlined approach for dealing with this social discrimination. They were in support of attractive to the capitalist group and producing reformation in the thinking of the upper classes.

The conventional lift every voice and sing hymnal is being performed at each and every patriotic event, important events and sports function all around the United States. Several modifications of this piece, with new instruments and remixes have been introduced in the market.

Rules For Reciting The Anthem:

Whether you are playing lift every voice and sing instrumental or even the lift every voice and sing mp3 version, there are certain rules which each and every citizen are required to follow. They've been mentioned here:

- All people present at the venue must stand straight with their right hands placed over their hearts and heads devoid of any headgear. If you aren't singing, you need to observe peace before the last line is being played.

- All individuals must face the American flag.

- The military people are required to salute the flag while hearing the song.

Take a look at more interesting facts regarding lift every voice and sing hymnal at our website.

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