Advance Your Business By Hiring A Professional Linkedin Profile Writer

By Anita Ortega

When you are creating your identity on Linkedin, there is much to be kept in mind. For one, you should start off by hiring a really professional Linkedin profile writer, who can help get you on the proverbial map. Once your articles are ready, you can use the "Like" button to share information about your company. Use this, for example, to promote an update that the company has made.

There are a number of advantages to doing this - for example, adding branding value to your own skills. It is certainly also an advantage for the company, as this offers a great potential to spread news from your company virally. Additionally, you can, by continuously using your personal account, strengthen the company's overall capabilities through individual employees.

Use an update to create knowledge and information about your company. When you update on this network, the information is visible to all members, in their news feeds. In addition, it will be visible to anyone who visits your page, in the activity stream on the right.

Create links to your account, but also have it written by a real expert. You should link to your company website, when you create your profiles. If you have the chance, you should use all your links, as this will lead to a higher ranking in search engines.

Thus, it is important that you think about your openness when you want to spread the word about the company and drive traffic to your website. Just check your privacy settings and ensure that they are updated to share with everyone. This feature allows you to decide who should see the activities you are busy with.

When there is something new on your website, you can use the update function to spread the word. An idea may be that when there is a post on the company blog, you can spread this through the very same method. The fact that it can spread so effectively, is also a huge reason for you to make sure all your content is written by professionals.

If your company does not yet have a business blog, you can use the updates to spread the message of jobs, new employees, etc. Another way you can link to your site, is to comment or like your colleagues' updates. Finally, you can also make an update on the business side, this will automatically be visible in your news feed.

Optimize your profiles with links. This applies to you and your employees alike. When you fill out your profile, you have a number of options to optimize it, so that it creates leads and traffic to the company's website.

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