Serial Killer Minds Are Very Strange

By Jeanette Riggs

Psychiatrists have often tried to figure out many serial killer minds since they seem to be such fascinating people. There are many of them who have committed crimes and have already been caught but some of these individuals are still on the loose. These sick and twisted monsters get very excited when they are mutilating unfortunate strangers who have crossed their path.

During the past few decades the United States has met some of the most twisted people who have ever walked this planet. Two people who stand out in the crowd are Mr. Jeffrey Dahmer and the very polite Mr. Ted Bundy. They spent most of their time looking for victims and it is a fact that Mr. Dahmer started his killings very early in life by decapitating small animals. He became even more fascinated with crime in his later years.

At the tender age of eighteen Dahmer found it very exciting when he killed a hitchhiker. He had very strong sexual feelings towards the traveler but he knew that it was a sin to have any kind of relationship with the man. After this he made it a habit to pick up men from all places and have quick sex with them. Dahmer also believed in forced domination which led to acts of sodomy.

After raping them he would then end their lives. It would also excite him when he cut off their heads and drank their blood. Mr. Dahmer would usually hack up the rest of their body and place it into the refrigerator. He enjoyed making a meal out of all of his victims and never had the need to shop for groceries.

Murderers like Dahmer are sometimes homosexual males who spend their entire life pretending to be heterosexual. He was trying to eliminate all gay men who were around his area. These men were tempting him to do things that were against his parent's teachings.

There are so many men in the world who think the same way as Dahmer did. It is very dangerous when a man cannot act out his sexual feelings for other men. These males will then try to hurt homosexual men in order to prove their manhood to women. Unfortunately these guys are usually raised in very religious homes.

Ted Bundy was a very strange man who enjoyed killing innocent women. He would go out of his way in order to find helpless females who needed assistance. Many of his victims were women who were stranded alone on the highway or just single girls living alone. Sometimes he would become friends with them and then lure them away to secluded areas. Once they were alone Bundy would execute his victim.

Women have to know how to read these serial killer minds if they wish to survive. Ted Bundy looked for women who were stressed out and having a very bad day. Sometimes a woman who is having her period or simply fighting with her boyfriend or family members will become the target of a murderer. Mr. Bundy and other men like him will always look for these gals who are vulnerable.

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