What To Know About A Sikh Turban

By Sue Carpenter

A Sikh turban refers to a piece of cloth that is wrapped around the head by members of the Sikh religion. They are the equivalents of scarves and head wrappers. A typical turban consists of a long piece of cloth that does not exceed five meters. It is known by different names in various languages. The most common names include dastar, pagri, bulband, and bulle.

Turbans originated back in the ancient eras as they are illustrated in both religious texts and historical records. They may be made from a broad variety of fabrics and are available in different colors with various decorative styles. They can vary from plain unbleached white to richly embroidered colors. Turbans may be worn together with ornaments such as religious chains and insignia among others.

Some societies wear turbans as traditional headwear whereas others use them for religious reasons. Typically, they have been associated with religious beliefs. Members of the Hindu, Sikh, Islam, and Akurinu denominations commonly put them on to fulfill religious laws. These head clothes express different meanings relying on how they are utilized. They could represent ones religion, culture, region, religious or political rank, social status, individuality or level of education. In some communities, tying of a turban is followed with a ceremony.

During these ceremonies, the bearer is recognized as a full member of the community on whom duties are bestowed. Turbans usually have various shapes, sizes, and colors. Apart from keeping the hair clean, a dastar from a religious point of view symbolizes sovereignty, courage, dedication, love, obedience, or respect. Pagris could also serve ornamental purposes. They have found their way into the army in some countries where they are considered as a symbol of honor and self-respect.

The color of a dastar normally passes some message, for example, a black or white one could mean war or peace respectively. However, wearing a turban could sometimes be unfavorable in a few ways. In some regions, individuals are discriminated against for putting on turbans. This normally arises because of lack of understanding about cultural richness and diversity or discrimination along religion lines.

In some places, turbaned motorists are exempted from putting on safety helmets. This has at times led to grave injuries in accident incidences. Formerly or in some states, turbaned motorists brush shoulders with traffic police forces. This amounts to noncompliance to traffic rules, which results in payment of dig fines or imprisonment. Some nations never recognize dastar wearing completely. Any attempt to wear one can put one at trouble with both employers and government authorities, resulting in possible dismissal or detection.

Modernity and the need to look civilized force people to drop scarves. Wearing of turbans seems to be gradually diminishing due to westernization in many countries and cultures. The only reason they are still worn is religion. They no longer are considered with high esteem in the fashion world as they used to.

A Sikh turban is very vital in Sikhism. Sikhs have used it for long until it has become an important part of their lives. There are store devoted solely to vending them, therefore they can be acquired simply.

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