Propaganda Posing As A Counter Terrorism Fiction Novel

By Tammie Caldwell

Whenever war is being waged, the governments and media organizations around the world oil up their propaganda machines. Controlling the information received by the people helps them to control the opinions of the people as well. This is not always done through television and newspapers, as any counter terrorism fiction novel will suffice.

The concept of propaganda was established and utilized a great deal during the second World War. Both the Germans and Allied forces dropped leaflets into the streets of Berlin, attempting to sway the public opinion either for or against the Nazi Party. The radio was also a very big player, allowing a more intimate level of communication with large numbers of people.

Hitler learned how to use movies and television to his advantage, and this enabled him to reach a much larger audience than had ever been possible. He was already known for giving animated and emotional speeches, but with radio he was able to be heard by those who would have never been able to see him. He could stir a crowd emotionally, and turn them to his way of thinking.

By staging a fire and blaming it on a young Jewish man, Hitler was able to stir his country into a fury of military might. It created a reason for his attack on Poland, and eventually came to be known as World War II. Activists now call this type of attack a false flag, and there are many people all over the world wary of these staged events.

Only twenty years later the Americans were able to utilize the same tactics in order to get the American people behind a war on the communists in Vietnam. Although there was a great deal of opposition to that war, the media by and large hid the truth. By blaming the communists in Vietnam for the sinking of a ship, and claiming that ship belonged to the American Navy, most Americans over the age of 35 were in alignment with the purpose of that war.

There are many who claim that the 2001 attack on the Twin Towers was the most elaborate false flag history has ever seen. They cite the erroneous reporting that took place on that day, the relationships that all eyewitnesses had to media sources, and the nature of the collapse itself. The claims that 9-11 was a false flag attack have divided Americans greatly.

An artful practice of propaganda means that the social divisions created in any debate can be utilized to keep people arguing amongst themselves, thus allowing the powers that be to do as they wish. While groups like They Are Change may contain individuals who truly wish to see justice done on a weary planet, these groups can also be used by propagandists. Controlled opposition keeps people separate and at each other like lions, diverting attention from those who are truly responsible.

Regardless of where the truth lies, one should always read books, newspapers, periodicals, or anything else with a grain of salt. It is not always easy to be discerning when so much information is pelted at the American people each day. However, when one asks themselves who benefits from an event, follows the money trail, and tries to remain objective; they often find the truth always lies somewhere in the middle.

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