Read Top Fashion And Lifestyle Blogs

By Joanna Walsh

With social media, comes a whole new way to communicate and interact. Bloggers have an influential platform and the ability to accumulate followers from all over the globe. The top fashion and lifestyle blogs are often read by millions of people and this gives them power. Some bloggers are already celebrities and receive constant media attention. They are sought after by high end brands and often collaborate closely with them.

There are many reasons why people begin to follow a particular blogger. They often identify with the strong style sense of a particular blogger. Another reason is to lean more about trends and brands. Bloggers write reviews about products and followers trust their advice. It makes business sense for brands to work together with bloggers as they have a trusted, loyal audience. Some businesses use social tools to help them to identify the bloggers that would help them most to sell their products.

Bloggers are sought after by even high end brands such as Hugo Boss. They create videos for them, model for them and sometimes even collaborate on designs. A phenomenon of recent fashion shows is all the bloggers sitting in the front rows.

Posts are often full of photos and there is no doubt that clear, sharp, bright, well-lit photographs contribute towards the success of a blog. An arresting photograph will always draw attention. Anyone with access to the web can take photos and write about anything they want and potentially have an audience. This has not been possible in the past and the consequences of this are only starting to be seen.

Most influential bloggers offer more than just good photographs. Many of them write in such a way that their followers can really relate to them. Their content is often informative, well written and inspirational. Reviews of high end products may be given that are refreshingly honest and really thorough.

Long before the age of computers, our ancestors would share stories with younger generations. As humans, we have a compulsion to tell stories and to share our weaknesses, triumphs and the lessons we have learned. Lifestyle bloggers do just this, blogging about a wide variety of topics.

Lifestyle bloggers write about a great variety of topics. Many of them are mothers and wives and they write about subjects that appeal to other women. Parenting, decorating, crafts, food and organizing are just some of these subjects. Many of them write in a personal way as though they are conversing casually with a friend. Their followers are given a peek into their lives.

A blog is often started without any intention other than as a hobby. However, once a following has been established, they become of interest to those who are marketing products. This is because their followers are a faithful, trusting audience who tend to listen to their advice. This means that what began as a hobby, becomes much more. As more and more people are beginning to blog, it will be interesting to see what consequences this has on society in the future.

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