Making An Organizational Change Strategy

By Jerri Perry

A business or an organization will always experience a change in structure because times will be changing constantly which means that the management of an organization has to keep up with the times. Of course change is very hard because it will take time for the people inside the organization to adjust to the new way it is structured. It is for this reason that one has to come up with a good organizational change strategy so that things will be able to go smoothly.

Going into something new and different is actually a thing that many people are actually scared of because they are afraid that it will fail. Many believe that it is best to just stick to the one method that will work and just keep on going on like that. It is for this reason that a lot of people actually would want to resist change because they are afraid.

The first step in this very strategy would be to first try to convince them that a shift in structure is a need. In the process, one should now take note of some of the things that the opposition would have to say because he can use these points to improve his plan. Now he should expect that even after the meeting, there would still be some strong resistance.

Since the resistance is still going to be very strong, then one should now move on to the next part of the plan. While making changes, one will be undergoing the unfreezing stage wherein he has to introduce the changes to the organization. It is at this very stage that he should start gathering a horde of followers.

In order to gain the support of the people, the first step is to make a very convincing vision. This will stir up the people and make them curious. Of course he should also ask the input of all people in the organization so that they will feel that they did play a part in this major shift.

Once the changer has already gained a solid base for his campaign, then the next step would be the actual execution of the entire plan. In order for everyone to agree to the shift in structure, the changer and his team should be able to provide them with support. By providing them with support, they are actually helping them adapt to whatever is going on.

The last step in the process would actually be the refreezing which is the final integration of changes. This is where all of the new policies have already been finalized and all have been executed. Also given some time, the employees and workers in the organization will have already gotten used to the new way of management.

Now during the refreezing process, an organizational change strategy that one may use would be to show the people how the organization was able to succeed. If the management shows this to the people, then the people will definitely be in favor of the changes. This will eliminate majority of resistance that was present in the organization.

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