How To Become A Strolling Magician Orlando

By Betty Wood

When desiring to become a street artist in Orlando, also known as buskers in some areas, an individual must obtain a permit from the city. While this is the case, it is important to ask whether or not a permit is required for vendors and performers such as a strolling magician Orlando, or only for those with a fixed location such as a storefront or booth.

In many cases, these individuals can work at festivals and other events under the permit issued to the organizer. Still, to avoid ticketing, it is advised that performers and vendors ask organizers when registering to perform or vend at an event if this is the case. Otherwise, individuals without the proper permit or working under the guise of an organizer could face fines, or in some cases, jail time.

For example, in the mid-1990s, fire dancers, flower girls, food vendors, jewelry makers, jugglers, musicians, muralists, painters, rose sellers and tarot readers were all the rage in the historic area of East 6th Street in Austin, Texas. In addition, there were also a number of venues which offered billiards, comedy, live music and other events. After a major redevelopment of the city, the nightlife which was so vibrant in the past has been replaced with a criminal element, thanks to the many dive bars which have replaced long standing historic venues.

While Key West, Orlando, New Orleans, New York and other cities still boast some vibrant entertainment districts, a number of individuals attempt to perform on a regular basis in other areas. For example, some street performers in Boston perform at the same time in different city squares each and every day. Whereas, there are others whom prefer to move around and perform in different areas.

While there are some magicians whom are willing to do whatever it take to entertain residents and tourists in these areas, it should be noted that fines in Florida can often be more than in other areas. In addition, it is important to note that performing or vending on properties such as Disney, Universal and MGM is often illegal.

There are also some amazing videos of magicians on YouTube and similar sites. Whereas, there are also clips of touring acts such as Illusions, a stage show which features performances by world renown magicians working in different genres. Whether desiring to see close up, illusion, slight of hand or street magic, all are available on these video sharing websites.

Individuals desiring to learn and perform magic on a professional basis may want to check out Jeff McBride, one of the most amazing magicians in the world. For, Jeff has won several World Magician Of The Year and other awards while also having found the only magic and mystery school in America. As a world performance artist, a member of the touring troupe the Illusions and a Las Vegas magician, Jeff has amazed people of all ages around the world.

Magic is at the center of all events offered at the school, seminars and workshops presented by Jeff, wife and assistant Abigail, mentors and associate magicians. During the year, there are several classes offered for beginning to advanced magicians. In most cases, these events are located either at the Magic and Mystery School in Los Angeles or at the convention center or local venues in Las Vegas.

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