Why You Should Consider Buying Locally Made Inspirational T Shirts

By Betty Evans

Ever fancy yourself an entrepreneur or in the market for an extra way to make money? There are many, many ways to make money but most of them are labour intensive and do not appreciate the pearls of wisdom that are given to the world for free. In actuality, it doesn t have to be that way. Consider starting an inspirational t shirts business whereby all your creativity and inspiration can be brought, not only that but it can be worn as well.

But first things first, before anything can happen, a few things need to be taken into consideration before any buying can take place. Consider what s going to be on that tee. An inspirational quote from somebody you happen to look up to or idolise or a lecture from your mother to motivate the people who happen to come across it to clean their rooms. What s on the tee is extremely important, better yet, what s on that tee needs to be original as failure to do so can get you in some serious trouble for copyright infringements or theft of intellectual property. So ensure that research is done properly.

Granted the items in your stock are inspirational but if they do not translate into sales than it s time to do some digging. Do some research and ask for feedback. Not all of it is going to be good so develop a thick skin so not to bite and chew off the heads of potential customers. Make notes of any complaints and or suggestions. Be it new colours to introduce, fonts or even quotes. There s a lot that goes into making a tee other than setting the right price.

With business cards distributed, social media presence intact, website clicks and an app on the way, other than a really cool graphics department, you re well on your way to becoming the best there ever was when it comes to tee. Have you considered influencers or brand representatives, if not, you should probably give it some thought?

Consider investing in paid ads to do some of the legwork for you, if you happen to be new to entrepreneurship. Use this as a rule of thumb. Never spend a single penny on any kind of paid advertisement up until you have made money without selling to a friend or relative.

The local store down the road that sells tees is much more invested in your community than the Walmart. How is this so? The t-shirt relies more on the wellbeing of the community and its people.

In order for your tees about Who s got two thumbs become a household name, they first need to appear everywhere. From dinner parties to other events that are willing to have you or allow those t-shirts as part of their dress code. Weddings and funerals might not be the best place for advertising so stick to events, parties and even reunions.

Consider selling your tees online, catering to a bigger market and can print based on demand rather than having stock lie around and develop moth holes. Starting a business isn t easy and keeping it going is even harder.

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