What Psychologists Say About Play Therapy

By George Cooper

Any parent will want the best for their child. When their little one is struggling with various emotions, it is obviously an area of concern. Parents are busy these days. They often have careers of their own. There are other children that they have to attend to. A child who is acting out of the ordinary can benefit by seeing a psychologist. However, they will really take advantage of something like play therapy.

This has proven to be very effective due to a number of different reasons. Psychologists say that kids need to feel that the process feels natural. It is hardly natural sitting next to a stranger in a chair and being asked a number of questions. This is obviously intimidating. It is bad enough for an adult going through this sort of a process, but a child will really struggle.

Parents need to watch out for the signs and symptoms. It can happen that a child is behaving out of the ordinary when parents are separating or when they are getting a divorce. There may be a loss in the family. Kids with learning disorders can lack self esteem and become anxious. It is important that parents look into this, because it can become worse over time.

Psychologists believe that this is a more effective way in which a child learns to trust someone. They will connect with this person in their own time, doing the things that they love to do. The therapist will analyze kids as they begin to play. There are emotions and behavioral patterns that are revealed during this time. They may become angry, frustrated, fearful or anxious.

Socially, they will also improve, because the therapist is naturally known to be so encouraging. Their self esteem and level of confidence will take off over time. This is why it is important for parents not to say that they simply have a child who is shy. It can be something a lot deeper than this.

Kids are very honest in this way. They will express what is on their heart by being creative. Therapists can tell more by the time it takes to complete the drawing, the colors they use, the expressions on the faces of people and the style of the drawing.

Of course, in some cases, the therapist will find that the child has been abused in the home. In cases like these, they are required to report the case to social services. Kids will not be safe in the environment. They will need ongoing therapy. Neglecting to do this, will create further problems in their teenage years as well as during their adult lives.

Of course, this can be a tricky situation, since emotions become involved. The therapist must know that ethics are involved. She should be aware that the needs of the child are most important. There may be times when there is a little aggressive behavior. This can be looked into. However, severe abuse is something more serious.

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