The Most Interesting Facts About Steel Pan Drums For Sale

By Jessica Jackson

Drums are among the most ancient musical instruments. They are struck using sticks or by bare hands to produce sound. The different pitches are dependent on the material and craftsmanship of the instrument. There are legions of drums in the world with different origins. These include the acoustic, African, hand and frame drums among others. The steel pan is one of the unique drums in the world. Herein are some basic facts about steel pan drums for sale.

Drums are made up of three main parts. The surface is the part that the stick meets the instrument to produce sound. The belly is the underside part and is very delicate. The skirt is the middle part that holds the surface and the belly in place. The length of the belly determines the pitch. On one hand, instruments with shorter skirts have higher pitches. On the contrary, those with longer skirts have a lower pitch.

The drums can be traced back to the age of slave trade. They were crafted on the Caribbean island during the slave trade ages. However, they originally came from African. The instrument has morphed through the ages. Changes have been made by different Islanders from Trinidad and Tobago. These improvements range from changing its shape and designs. The main idea through all these phases was to improve its sound.

Historically, the drums were a symbol of rebellion. They were played by commoners in the streets. The elite in society perceived the music as a revolt. Over the ages, however, this misconception has been changed. The instrument is symbolic to people coming into freedom. Moreover, it is enjoyed across nations for its ability to create beats.

The drumming instruments are readily available in music shops in the Caribbean Islands. Some it is also obtainable through online stores. You can get different sizes and designs from online vendors at affordable rates. However, the instrument is fragile. Shipping must be done carefully.

Unlike the modern instruments, this drum is a living instrument. It continues to improve with time. Its main demerit is that it has a relatively low range. It is also too large. That limits its portability. As time goes, the instrument continues to go through unending metamorphoses.

The nature of this instrument requires maximum care. The equipment should be stored in a case. If you do not have a case, keep the instrument covered when not in use. Avoid placing objects on the drum surface. Keep it dry and polished. The most delicate part of the instrument is its belly. Avoid resting the equipment on its belly. Also, tuning and repairing your instrument should be done by a professional.

The steel pan holds a special part of the Caribbean culture and history. Its popularity continues to spread across nations. It is available in online stores. Packaging for shipping must be done carefully as the instrument is delicate.

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