Why Medical Miracles Attract So Much Attention

By Susan Dawson

Miraculous acts and events are as old as humankind itself. Thousand year old records from all the great civilizations tell of deities, spirits, humans and even animals that somehow defied logic and the laws of nature to accomplish something that was deemed utterly impossible. This is especially true for the field of medicine. There are numerous accounts of sick people that were told that they are terminally ill, only to recover completely. Stories of medical miracles abound to this day.

Miraculous recoveries have long been the subject of intense debate between various parties. While nobody will deny the fact that some people recover from diseases where their physicians have given up hope there is nevertheless differences of opinion on how such recoveries occurred. Some argue that the human body remains a mystery and that recovery in some cases are not miraculous but due to extraordinary resilience.

Patients that are diagnosed with serious ailments are understandably upset and many of them simply do not believe that they have fallen victim to a dread disease. They typically start to do research about their particular diseases and they inevitably come across accounts of miraculous cures. Such cures obviously attract attention. It is only natural that patients want to explore every possibility of a cure.

Many miraculous cures are nature based. A variety of people, including medical experts, patients themselves and nutrition experts extol the virtues of specific herbs and foods that are said to have a substantial influence on the progress of the disease in question. Unfortunately, medical science does not always support such curative qualities and this may cause confusion and conflict in the minds of the patients concerned.

It is interesting to note that a large number of faith healers claim that only the deity that they support is actually able to engineer miraculous healings. These healers hold special services, lay hands on their followers or anoint them, and claim to be a channel through which the deity heals the supplicant. Unfortunately, many of these healings have been exposed as fraudulent.

Another interesting trend is that people come to believe that Mother Nature can provide a miraculous cure. Many seriously ill people totally alter their diets to include all sorts of herbs and foods that are said by so called experts to be beneficial to them. Many others believe that they will be viewed mercifully by the magic makers if the sacrifice something important in their own lives.

Of course, skeptics say that miraculous healings have nothing to do with magic, religion or any other supernatural factor. They say that human knowledge is incomplete and that inexplicable results are common and that the only reason why it cannot be explained logically is because human knowledge is incomplete. Too few clinical or empirical studies have been done about such miraculous healings.

There are numerous stories of medical miracles. Whether they can be explained scientifically or not is surely not the issue. The issue is that people that were completely hopeless have experienced a cure that were not expected, that cannot be explained and that goes beyond human understanding. For many, that is enough.

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