About Twelve Archetypes Jung Introduced

By Young Lindsay

According to the famous Swiss psychiatrist Jung, there are three components of the psyche, the ego and personal and collective unconscious. Jung recognizes numerous archetypes, but these main twelve are the most important ones archetypes Jung introduced to the world. They are actually sub-types of the Ego, the Self and the Soul. Every character combines different archetypes, in various combinations, and no one belongs only to one.

According to this Jung's idea, everything is based on these archetypes, including science, religion and philosophy. These models of collective unconscious are inherited, and shape the way a person experience the world consciously. They are basically elementary structures, impossible to apprehend and common to all humanity. Their existence cannot be scientifically proven, but their actions are visible.

The Ego contains four basic types. The first one is called Innocent, although it might be also called naive, romantic or dreamer. He only wants to be happy, free and surrounded by positive things. Highly optimistic person. The Orphan is quite different. This person is afraid of being left alone and always tries to be connected to people. Really emphatic, as well as realistic. Sometimes called the good old boy.

The Hero might be very arrogant and act as crusader, soldier or rescuer. Often winner, this personality is strong and dependable, really courageous, has the desire to rescue people from dangerous situations. The caregiver lives to help others. Different types belong to this category, for example parent, supporter, helper or even the saint. He needs to please other people and enjoys doing it.

Soul types include the Explorer, Rebel, Lover and Creator. The Explorer is a true wanderer, and he lives to experience new, unknown and exciting things. He is always in a search for something new. Individualistic and capable. The Rebel is always ready to start a revolution. He doesn't believe in rules and enjoys breaking them. Wild and out of control, he likes shocking other people and can easily cross to a dark side.

The Lover is primarily interested in pleasing others and his greater desire is to be loved. Afraid of being left alone, very sensual and full of enthusiasm. Focused on others, can easily lose his own identity. The creator wants to make new and innovative things. Imaginative, creative and perfectionist, enthusiastic and artistic visionary. He lives to realize his vision.

Self types include the Jester, the Sage, the Magician and the Ruler. The Jester lives today, and doesn't care about tomorrow. The life suppose to be lived, and he wants to seize the moment. He is also called the Joker, and sometimes the comedian. The Sage lives his life searching, exploring and analyzing everything. Usually really intelligent, this person lives thinking and planning every single thing.

The Magician wants to understand all the basic principles of the Universe. It is often called shaman, healer or Medicine Man. This special type usually creates his own vision and lives by this vision. The Ruler is a born leader, and he always wants to control people and things around him. He is quite unable to delegate, and sometime called aristocrat or administrator.

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