The Truth About Work Gloves

By Sherry Gross

Hands are undoubtedly one of the parts that are most used. In fact, every single activity would entail the extensive use of the hands. Living is made more simple and more essay if you have hands to do the work. It could even be one of the greatest advantage of man over other animals who have paws or flippers instead of fingers and opposable thumbs which can be protected with a pair of work gloves.

The hands can also express what one wants to say. This is true especially in the special case of the deaf mute. Because they cannot hear nor speak, they just rely on their hands to do the sign language, which is the universal language of the people with hearing disabilities. The blind also benefits by using their fingers to be able to read. They run their fingers over a series of raised dots, in true Braille fashion. Due to its integral part, it is essential that they are kept from harm with the use of work gloves.

A glove is a garment that is used to cover the whole hand. Usually they have distinct sheaths for every finger. They have been used for so many years, even as early as the time of the ancient Greeks. They came to be most popular in the 16th century, when Parisian women started using them as a fashion ornament. By the time of Queen Elizabeth I, these were encrusted with precious gems or made entirely out of lace, silk, or linen.

There are many different kinds of gloves. First off, there is the fingerless design that is mostly used by people who rely of sheer finger dexterity where the usual glove would just provide restrictions. These are often used by organists and people who play all kinds of musical instruments. Gauntlets, on the other hand, are off a very old design that dates back to the middle ages. This type extends all the way up to mid arm.

There are also ones that are made of a disposable material that allows you to throw them away after use. These kinds are to be used only once, which makes it appropriate for medical uses. You see doctors and nurses and other medical professionals use them all the time, especially when they have to protect themselves from contact with bodily fluids of a patient.

In the world of sports, they are also used in a variety of games and come in a variety of forms. For example, the catchers mitt in baseball looks more like a bowl. This provides maximum catch leverage. The boxing gloves appear to be like fat mittens. This is due to the padding stuffed inside. If this is not put in, boxers will injure their fists during a match. Archers have plain looking ones, but they are very sturdy and very hard to cut.

They are also used in the field of falconry to protect the hands of the handler from the sharp talons of these birds of prey. They are also used by zoo keepers for the very same reasons. Most of the time, leather ones are used in these situations because they are strong enough to withstand the clutches of animals.

It is also a very important part of the fireman ensemble. Their gauntlets protect their hands and arms from burns. This makes them able to work better in the face of fire.

If your hands are exposed to hard work all the time, you must protect them well. If you do not use gloves, you increase your chances of having blisters and splinters. This is of great use especially for the people who work with plants.

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