If You Are Interested In Taking Yosemite Photography There Is A Lot To Offer In The Park

By Rebekah Alford

If you're interested in Yosemite photography it will be helpful to know a little bit about the park and it's history in order to best understand where to focus your efforts. While the park spans almost 1,000,000 acres Most tourists spend most of their time in the region spanning about 7 square miles. This region will probably be where you want to focus most of your photography.

Nearly 4,000,000 tourists visit the park every year. When considering what you want to show you pictures make sure to take this into consideration. The area is visited by varying number of people at different times of the year. At certain times apart might be very crowded. If you don't want to deal with crowds It will be necessary to be aware of high-traffic periods.

The park is known the world over for spectacular scenery. It is recognized for its amazing features such as its clear streams as well as its giant Sequoia trees. The park is also recognized as a world heritage site.

The plants and animals in this park are impressive in their diversity. Throughout the Sierra Nevada this park has the largest block of habitat. It has also been identified as the least fragmented block in the area

In this area that is most visited by people there are several views that are worth noting. One of these views that is photographed quite a lot is the tunnel view. This is usually the first view the people encounter when visiting the area that is most highly trafficked.

El Capitan is yet another one of these spectacular views. This is a view of a large cliff that is made of granite.It overlooks the Yosemite Valley and has a wide range of climbing routes. It is visited very frequently by rock climbers from around the world. One particularly attractive feature of this clip is that it can be accessed anytime during the year.

The Dana Meadows The clock range and the Cathedral Range are also pretty spectacular. These are all located In the high Meadows. While there are many more great views these should not be missed during your trip.

The Sequoia trees of Yosemite are well known across the world. These trees are contained in three separate Groves Known as the Mariposa, the Merced and the Tuolumne. These groups contain different numbers of trees the one thing that is common among them is the impressive giant size of their trees.

One characteristic of the region That stands out is the number of waterfalls. Features like the of sheer drops glacial steps and hanging valleys make the area very conducive to the creation of waterfalls. The region also boasts the highest waterfall and single vertical drop in the country.

If Yosemite photography is of interest to you There are many options available that will capture your interest. The only thing you really need to worry about is how much time you have and what you want to photograph. It can sometimes seem like there's just too much to wrap your mind around when making these determinations but it will be helpful to do some research In order to narrow your choices.

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